Saturday, October 6, 2012

Money Makes the World Go Round . . . or At Least Gets You to Italy

Well, I have good news, not-so-good-news, and good news again.

The good news is, applications are coming in fast for this summer's program. It is always good to see students eager to get to Italy! In fact, so many are coming in that the program may fill soon and we will begin to put applicants on the waiting list!

The not-so-good news is . . . some of you have filled out the online application but have not paid your deposit of $300.

Allow me to explain a few things.

 First, the deposit is not an optional add on. It's purpose is to ensure that the you are serious about going on the program and not merely trying to secure a place in line while you make up your mind. Once upon a time, lo those many moons ago, the deposit was a mere $50. The result was dozens of students willing to sacrifice fifty bucks just to hold a spot while they considered their options. That seriously messed up the application system, which is why we ask for $300 now and make it non-refundable. You must really want this thing. Remember, that $300 comes off of the $5400 you pay the program. Once you pay the depost, you only have $5100 to go.

Second, that means that if you have not paid the deposit, as far as the program is concerned you have not applied. Someone who does pay the deposit along with filling out the online application is not just ahead of you in line—you aren't even in line. That means that any student who applies and pays the $300 is taking the space you hope to get, and you may not go at all. You get no special consideration for merely having filled out the online application.

Third, the program tries to keep spaces open for students from all three schools in the consortium that runs the program: Kennesaw, Georgia Southern, and Georgia College and State University. To do that, each school is allotted a certain number of spaces until a certain date; this year it is January 5th. So, for example, Georgia Southern has only 24 definite spaces for now. After January 5th, it becomes first come, first served off the waiting list, no matter what school, and if the past is any guide several students on the waiting list will be accepted into the program after January 5. So if you think you applied for the program and have a space reserved for you even though you did not pay the $300 deposit, you are mistaken. You have no such reservation. Period. Pay now or someone else will take your place. I guarantee it.

Finally, if you do apply, pay the $300 deposit and still end up on the waiting list, that does not mean you will not go. Many students on the waiting list go on the program every year. Not only that, but in the event that you are on the waiting list and still do not get into the program, that $300 IS refundable—but that's only if you have paid and are still on the waiting list. So it is still very, very much in your interest to apply and pay the deposit as soon as possible, even if it means spending some some time on the waiting list.  Trust me.

Now for more good news: scholarships.  Georgia Southern, Kennesaw and GCSU have scholarships and scholarship information on their websites.

The Georgia Southern study abroad scholarship webpage is here.

The Kennesaw study abroad scholarship webpage is here.

The GCSU study abroad scholarship page is here.

In addition, there is a website dedicated to helping students find scholarship funds for study abroad. This is a really useful site both for now and for future reference.  Do yourself a favor and take a moment to look this over. Click here.  Hey, you never know!

Also, all of you should start consulting with your financial aid advisors now.  Don't wait until the spring.

So for now, in the immortal words of Pink Floyd . . .

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